








kinny0326 于 2011-5-20 15:21 揭晓




不喜欢标灰么那你就配米色 咖啡这些都可以

kinny0326 于 2011-5-20 16:16 揭晓



不喜欢标灰么那你就配米色 咖啡这些都可以


我上传个照片给你看看!到底家里的小家伙是什么色系的!,有正面的不???,银斑别跟粉白 银斑配就可以啦。

姜姜麻麻 于 2011-5-20 17:27 揭晓

银斑别跟粉白 银斑配就可以啦。


银斑+银斑不行吧!,我家的是丝绒熊人黑MM 和 丝绒银斑DD  已经交配了。。交配栓都看见了。。怎么办啊。。。会不会有事啊!!妙手协助。。要是有事我该怎么办啊!!总不能去作流产吧。。刚一个月,母猫自己一人在笼子里总是乱跳,很焦躁。。会不会失事啊!我不要小猫。保住大猫就行,若是是丝绒和丝绒基因连系就生不出来了,母猫和其他小猫可能有危险。
ls的小孙孙有25%可能性有丝丝基因。若是最后平安临盆了,龙猫 是很温顺 的动物 ,很少 有攻击性 ,习惯 上的反应 就是 依靠 敏捷 的速度 逃命 ,个别 时候 对你撒尿 表示 不满 ,所以 喂养 宠物龙猫 不必 担心 龙猫咬人 ,更没有 龙猫 传染 狂犬病 的病例 。也无法知道是没有丝丝照样丝丝挂掉了妈妈没事。

[ 本帖最后由 canghai129 于 2011-5-23 03:56 编辑 ],网上找的
http://chinhaven.proboards.com/i … splay&thread=23

We hear about the lethal factor when breeding chinchillas.

Do not breed a white chinchilla to any other type of white chinchilla.
Do not breed a velvet chinchilla to any other type of velvet chinchilla.

What does it mean?

A lethal is the result of a defective gene that causes a disturbance in the development of the growing organism that then causes it to die. There are many different kinds of lethals. They occur in any species, even humans (ex. cystic fibrosis). Lethals occur in either a heterozygous (single gene) or homozygous (double gene) state. A heterozygous lethal only requires one copy of the gene to cause a problem and that problem rarely allows the organism to reach sexual maturity, so the gene cannot be passed and dies out in the first generation. It is the homozygous lethal that we have to monitor because these genes can function in a heterozygous or “carrier” state.

Which chinchillas have a known lethal factor?

Of the mutation colors associated with chinchillas, only dominant white and domianant black (velvet) chinchillas have a lethal factor associated with their genotypes or genetic makeup. These lethals only occur in the homozygous state, so there are no homozygous whites or velvets. All whites and velvets are then heterozygous for those genes. They are unaffected by the lethal because the affected genes are paired with normal genes that act as backups for those functions that the affected genes cannot perform. Keep in mind that the white and velvet lethals are two different kinds of lethals and perform separately from each other. If you breed a white chinchilla to a velvet chinchilla, there is no lethal. It is when we breed two whites or two velvets that two of the same genes may combine in the offspring and cause the lethal.

Are we even sure these lethals exist in chinchillas?

During the early development of both the white and velvet chinchilla, breeders attempted to breed animals that were homozygous for these genes. A chinchilla that is homozygous for a gene will always pass that gene to its offspring and so has a lot of value in a breeding program, but all chinchillas proved to be heterozygous by producing normal-colored offspring. It was clear that no homozygous animals were being born. Reviewing the productivity of those animals also indicated that production went down when white x white or velvet x velvet were bred. When those same animals were switched to dissimilar partners, production went up and more babies were born. It was then suggested that the white and velvet genes were linked to a lethal factor.,So what happens when a lethal is present?

Most lethals are known to cause death in the early embryonic (or pre-embryonic) stage, resulting in a lack of production because fewer babies are born. The embryos are reabsorbed by the mother. Scientific evidence in both mice and rats supports this theory. No studies have been done on chinchillas (none that the author has been able to find and verify), but this is what breeders assume happens in the case with both the white and velvet chinchillas.

Is it dangerous to breed lethals?

In the author’s opinion, the information about the dangers of breeding lethals as found in chinchilla species is inconclusive (whereas the breeding of lethals in other species is better documented and no argument can be made for the breeding of). Some speculate that the process of reabsorbing dead embryos may increase the risk of infection to the mother depending upon the stage of development during which the embryo actually dies. Others feel it poses no threat. It is also suggested that breeding white x white leads to more complications than velvet x velvet (even suggesting that velvet x velvet is acceptable). It is difficult to know if reports of post-birth complications are actually associated with the lethal or other genetic factors.

Keep in mind that not all organisms affected by a lethal will die in the womb. An example of this is the Overo Lethal White syndrome in horses. A foal that is homozygous for the OLW gene will die within a few days after birth because its intestinal system has not properly formed and it cannot function properly when it eats. Some lethals may allow for viable organisms part of the time. These are referred to as semi-lethal. The merle gene, commonly found in species like dogs and rats, causes a splotchy, spotted coat in the heterozygous state and a predominantly white coat in the homozygous state. The double-merle or homo-merle may also be affected by health problems associated with organ development (eyes, ears, digestive, etc.).

As such, or until more research is done, the breeding of lethals should not be attempted by pet breeders. If you still wish to breed lethals, the first thing you have to ask yourself is why you need to breed them in the first place (since the author cannot think of a very good reason why a pet breeder would need to do so). Some people feel that breeding lethals will result in more mutant offspring, but this is a misconception on their part.,上文的主要看法是,白白,



DD毛环已去除,可是依旧红肿,求帮助丝丝连系是致死基因,这两对基因使得胚胎不能发育完全,宝宝还没发育就挂在子宫里了,然后被子宫吸收了。挂了之后对妈妈有影响么?一种说法是有,会熏染子宫。一种说法是没事。两个说法都没有盖棺定论。BUT,别实验这种致死基因,由于没必要,基本滋生不出来。,只有白和白 丝绒和丝绒 另有近亲和近亲不可以!我有个同伙同是丝绒+丝绒生出来的bb有一边是没有眼睛的!好恐怖~,

afc090114 于 2011-5-24 13:19 揭晓

只有白和白 丝绒和丝绒 另有近亲和近亲不可以!我有个同伙同是丝绒+丝绒生出来的bb有一边是没有眼睛的!好恐怖~

那就是说丝绒和丝绒的怙恃怀上了带两个丝绒基因的宝宝,该宝宝被母体吸收了,但是在子宫里祸害了一位兄弟姐妹?,真恐怖~那标灰的话没有禁忌吧?不会不能陪标灰吧,标灰没事,什么媳妇都能娶在他们 的祖国 南美洲 ,毛丝鼠 在火山灰 中滚动 ,以帮助 保持 厚厚的 皮毛 外套 清洁 。 同样 ,宠物龙猫 每周 需要 两到三次 粉尘 浴。 为了 保持 外套 有光泽 并吸收 皮肤油 ,宠物龙猫 应该 使用 塑料 或纸板 防尘 盒,至少 6×6×9英寸,底部 有2到3英寸的粉尘 。 可在网上 和宠物商店 中找到 商业 上可获得 的灰鼠 粉尘 。 完整 的防尘 浴套件 防尘 浴应每次 提供 10 至15分钟,并应在使用 后取出 。 龙猫 通常 会跳进 浴缸 ,一遍又一遍地在尘埃 中翻滚 ,看起来 真的 很喜欢它。

