龙猫 能下小猫的对照表···(英文的 有没有强人能翻译?)

Standard to Standard 100% Standard ——————————————————————————– Standard to White 50% Standard 50% White ——————————————————————————– Standard to Beige (heterozygous) 50% Standard 50% Beige ——————————————————————————– Standard to Beige (homozygous) 100% Heterozygous Beige ——————————————————————————– Standard to Black Velvet 50% Standard 50% Black Velvet ——————————————————————————– White to Beige (heterozygous) 25% Standard 25% White 25% Beige 25% Pink White (White and Beige) ——————————————————————————– White to Beige (homozygous) 50% Pink White 50% Heterozygous Beige ——————————————————————————– White to Black Velvet 25% Standard 25% White 25% Black Velvet 25% White and Black Velvet Mosaic ——————————————————————————– White to White 25% Standard 50% White 25% Lethal factor (no offspring) ——————————————————————————– Beige (heterozygous) to Black Velvet 25% Standard 25% Beige 25% Black Velvet 25% TOV Beige ——————————————————————————– Beige (homozygous) to Black Velvet 50% TOV Beige 50% Heterozygous Beige ——————————————————————————– Beige (heterozygous) to Beige (heterozygous) 25% Standard 50% Heterozygous Beige 25% Homozygous Beige ——————————————————————————– Beige (heterozygous) to Beige (homozygous) 50% Heterozygous Beige 50% Homozygous Beige ——————————————————————————– Beige (homozygous) to Beige (homozygous) 100% Homozygous Beige ——————————————————————————– Black Velvet to Black Velvet 25% Standard 50% Black Velvet 25% Lethal factor (no offspring) ——————————————————————————– Standard to Ebony, Sapphire or Violet 100% Standard (Ebony, Sapphire or Violet carrier) ——————————————————————————– White, Beige, or Black Velvet to Ebony, Sapphire, or Violet 50% Standard (Ebony, Sapphire, or Violet carrier) 50% White, Beige, or Black Velvet (Ebony, Sapphire or Violet carrier) ——————————————————————————– Ebony to Ebony 100% Ebony ——————————————————————————– Sapphire to Sapphire 100% Sapphire ——————————————————————————– Violet to Violet 100% Violet ——————————————————————————– Ebony to Sapphire 100% Standard (Ebony and Sapphire carrier) ——————————————————————————– Ebony to Violet 100% Standard (Ebony and Violet carrier) ——————————————————————————– Sapphire to Violet 100% Standard (Sapphire and Violet carrier) ——————————————————————————– TOV Violet (Sapphire, Ebony) to Violet (Sapphire, Ebony) 50% Violet (Sapphire, Ebony) 50% TOV Violet (TOV Sapphire, TOV Ebony) ——————————————————————————– TOV Violet (TOV Sapphire, TOV Ebony) to TOV Violet (TOV Sapphire, TOV Ebony) 25% Violet (Sapphire, Ebony) 50% TOV Violet (TOV Sapphire, TOV Ebony) 25% Lethal factor(no offspring) There are many other crosses, but this will provide a basic understanding of many of the most popular crosses and percentages expected. Please the see section titled Color Mutation Hybrids for more on hybrids.

Standard to Standard 100% Standard ——————————————————————————– Standard to White 50% Standard 50% White ——————————————————————————– Standard to Beige (heterozygous) 50% Standard 50% Beige ——————————————————————————– Standard to Beige (homozygous) 100% Heterozygous Beige ——————————————————————————– Standard to Black Velvet 50% Standard 50% Black Velvet ——————————————————————————– White to Beige (heterozygous) 25% Standard 25% White 25% Beige 25% Pink White (White and Beige) ——————————————————————————– White to Beige (homozygous) 50% Pink White 50% Heterozygous Beige ——————————————————————————– White to Black Velvet 25% Standard 25% White 25% Black Velvet 25% White and Black Velvet Mosaic ——————————————————————————– White to White 25% Standard 50% White 25% Lethal factor (no offspring) ——————————————————————————– Beige (heterozygous) to Black Velvet 25% Standard 25% Beige 25% Black Velvet 25% TOV Beige ——————————————————————————– Beige (homozygous) to Black Velvet 50% TOV Beige 50% Heterozygous Beige ——————————————————————————– Beige (heterozygous) to Beige (heterozygous) 25% Standard 50% Heterozygous Beige 25% Homozygous Beige ——————————————————————————– Beige (heterozygous) to Beige (homozygous) 50% Heterozygous Beige 50% Homozygous Beige ——————————————————————————– Beige (homozygous) to Beige (homozygous) 100% Homozygous Beige ——————————————————————————– Black Velvet to Black Velvet 25% Standard 50% Black Velvet 25% Lethal factor (no offspring) ——————————————————————————– Standard to Ebony, Sapphire or Violet 100% Standard (Ebony, Sapphire or Violet carrier) ——————————————————————————– White, Beige, or Black Velvet to Ebony, Sapphire, or Violet 50% Standard (Ebony, Sapphire, or Violet carrier) 50% White, Beige, or Black Velvet (Ebony, Sapphire or Violet carrier) ——————————————————————————– Ebony to Ebony 100% Ebony ——————————————————————————– Sapphire to Sapphire 100% Sapphire ——————————————————————————– Violet to Violet 100% Violet ——————————————————————————– Ebony to Sapphire 100% Standard (Ebony and Sapphire carrier) ——————————————————————————– Ebony to Violet 100% Standard (Ebony and Violet carrier) ——————————————————————————– Sapphire to Violet 100% Standard (Sapphire and Violet carrier) ——————————————————————————– TOV Violet (Sapphire, Ebony) to Violet (Sapphire, Ebony) 50% Violet (Sapphire, Ebony) 50% TOV Violet (TOV Sapphire, TOV Ebony) ——————————————————————————– TOV Violet (TOV Sapphire, TOV Ebony) to TOV Violet (TOV Sapphire, TOV Ebony) 25% Violet (Sapphire, Ebony) 50% TOV Violet (TOV Sapphire, TOV Ebony) 25% Lethal factor(no offspring) There are many other crosses, but this will provide a basic understanding of many of the most popular crosses and percentages expected. Please the see section titled Color Mutation Hybrids for more on hybrids., 看什么都不知道,有个带图示的计算器,龙猫 生性 胆小 ,如果 它们 觉得 受到 威胁 或攻击 ,会发生 掉毛的现象 。 如果你 的宠物龙猫 也突然 有大量 毛发 脱落 ,有可能是因为 害怕 ,或是 照顾 不当 导致 生病 (真菌 、螨虫 、或是 龙猫 自身 咬毛等),需要 及时 进行 观察 与治疗 。 不要 过于 担心 ,会在6个月左右 完全 长出。很直观,











小龙猫长的太慢怎么办?建议参看谁人。,他们 可以 释放 他们 的皮毛 以远离 掠食者 。 当处理不当 ,压力 或战斗 时,龙猫 会释放出 一堆 毛皮 -一种 称为 “毛皮 滑动 ”的防御机制 。 在野外,当被捕 到捕食者 口中 时,灰鼠 会释放出 一片 毛皮 逃脱 。 发生 这种 情况 时,通常 不会 对皮肤 造成 永久性 伤害 。 由于 他们 有这种 防御机制 ,宠物龙猫 应该 用一只手轻轻地 在身体 下面 处理 ,另一只 手在尾巴 底部 周围 。 当需要 约束 时,用毛巾 包裹 身体 。

